JTots Childcare and Preschool - Farmington Hills, Michigan

Parent's Checklist

JTots - Farmington Hills, Michigan Childcare and Preschool

JTots Childcare and Preschool provides a safe, stable, and stimulating environment for Toddlers, Infants, and Preschoolers. The service and amenities that JTots offers are designed with the needs and concerns of the parents, children, staff who utilize the building. As your search for quality, affordable preschools and childcare in the Farmington Hills, Michigan area continues, please compare JTots to other childcare and preschool options. We are confident that JTots will be at the top of your list!

Does the Childcare Center Provide........? JTots
CPR and First Aid Trained Yes
Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack at No Extra Charge Yes
Diapers and Wipes at No Extra Charge Yes
Latex Gloves for Staff to Change Diapers Yes
Personal Crib/Bed/Cot (no sharing) Yes
Laundering of Bed Linens at No Extra Charge Yes
All Craft and Activity Items at No Extra Charge Yes
Owners that are Involved and Present in Daily Activities Yes
Restricted Security Access System Yes
Separate Homerooms for Each Age Group Yes
Fully Carpeted Play Areas Yes
One-Way Glass for Parent Observation Yes
Hand Washing Sink and Drinking Facilities in Each Homeroom Yes
Sound Insulation Between Homeroom Walls Yes
Full-Service, On-Site Kitchen Yes
Dining Room/Craft Area Separate from Play/Sleep Area Yes
Basement and Cabinet Storage for Extra "Clutter" Yes
Proper Ratios of Staff to Children Yes
Monthly Themes and Daily Planned Activities Yes
Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Yes
C.P.R Trained Staff Yes
Covered Outdoor Play Area Yes
"Soft-Paved" Outdoor Play Surface Yes
Safe, Spacious, Secluded Outdoor Play Area Yes
Separate Infant Outdoor Play Area Yes
Ample Parking for Parents and Staff Yes
Private Area for Parent-Provider Conferences Yes
Building Construction to Current Codes Yes
Fire/Smoke/Heat Protection for Maximum Safety Yes
Ample, Openable Windows for Natural Light and Fresh Air Yes
Central Air-Conditioning Yes
Clean, Fresh Environment Yes
Privately Owned and Operated Yes